16-05-2017 -- NFPE, Kerla Circle conducted huge protest march to Chief PMG Office, Kerala for settlement of Circle level issues.
Huge Protest March in Kerala
Postal RMS Employees of Kerla Circle conducted protest march to Chief PMG Office on 16-5-2017 under the banner of NFPE Circle Co-ordination Committee to settle the Circle level issues.
A detailed charter of demands has been submitted followed by the march. The circle co-ordination committee has decided to go ahead with higher form agitational programmas if the issues are not settled within a resonable time.
Com. M.V. Govindan, State President, Agricultural Workers Union, Iaugurated the Programme.
P.K. Muralidharan
NFPE, Kerala

1. Problems of GDS Officials
a. Reduction of TRCA: Existing allowance of all the GDS officials may be protected. The implimentation of Kamalesh Chandra Committee is on the way and new allowance structure is expected to be implimented with effect from 1-1- 2016. All divisions may be strictly advised to stop the Periodical Review till the implimentation of Kamalesh Chandra Committee Report.
b. Delay in granting welfare assistance including maternity grant: All the pending cases may be settled at the earliest.
c. Denial of Sunday/holiday wages to the substitutes of GDS Officials: As per the existing rules the substitutes of GDS officials are eligible for sunday/holiday wages if the original incumbent is on leave. Necessary instructions may be issued to all divisions to ensure the payment of Sunday/ holiday wages.
d. Denial of eligible transfer: Request to grant eligible transfer to GDS officials in accordance with the Directorate instructions. All pending cases may be settled without further delay.
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