ISRO Recruitment for 166 Technician, Scientific Assistant & Other Posts 2016

Posts :
- Technician -B:
- Electronics Mechanic/Technician Power Electronic Systems/Mechanic Consumer Electronic Appliances/Mechanic Industrial Electronics: 57 Posts
- SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Electronics Mechanic/ Technician Power Electronic Systems / Mechanic Consumer Electronic Appliances / Mechanic Industrial Electronics trade from NCVT
- Fitter: 27 Posts
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Fitter trade from NCVT.
- Electrical: 14 Posts
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Electrical trade from NCVT.
- Refrigeration and Airconditioning: 04 Posts
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (R&A/C) trade from NCVT.
- Electroplating: 01 Post
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Electroplating trade from NCVT.
- Grinder: 03 Posts
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Grinder trade from NCVT.
- Carpenter: 02 Posts
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Carpenter trade from NCVT.
- Diesel Mechanic: 01 Post
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Diesel Mechanic trade from NCVT.
- Motor Vehicle Mechanic: 02 Posts
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Motor Vehicle Mechanic trade from NCVT.
- Plumber: 04 Posts
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in plumber trade from NCVT.
- Turner: 03 Posts
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Turner trade from NCVT.
- Photographer/ Digital Photographer: 02 Posts
- Candidates should have SSLC/ SSC/ Matriculation+ ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Photography/ Digital Photography trade from NCVT.
- Draughtsman-B:
- Mechanical: 05 Posts
- SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Draugtsman Mechanical Trade from NCVT. Knowledge in CAD Software is essential.
- Civil: 01 Post
- SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI/ NTC/ NAC in Draughtsman Civil Trade from NCVT
- Technical Assistant:
- Mechanical: 13 Posts
- First Class Diploma (minimum 3 years duration) in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized State Board.
- Electronics: 18 Posts
- First Class Diploma (minimum 3 years duration) in Electronics Engineering from a recognized State Board.
- Computer Science: 02 Posts
- First Class Diploma (minimum 3 years duration) in Computer Science Engineering from a recognized State Board.
- Scientific Assistant (Chemistry): 03 Posts
- First Class Graduate in BSc (Chemistry) from a recognized University/Institution.
- Library Assistant: 03 Posts
- Graduate + First Class Master's degree in Library Science / Library & Information Science or Equivalent from recognized University/Institution.
- Nurse-B: 01 Posts
- SSLC + 3 years First Class Diploma in Nursing from a recognized State Board.
Total No. of Posts : 166 Posts
Educational Qualification : Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Age Limit : 18 to 35 years as on 17-06-2016.
Payment of Application Fee :
There will be an Application Fee of Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty only) plus applicable bank charges (non-refundable) for each application for male candidates belonging to UNRESERVED (UR) AND OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES (OBC) community. After registration of application through online, the candidate has to down-load and print the personalized payment challan form, in triplicate, from the ISRO website which will contain the Name of the candidate, Registration Number, Receipt Account Number, Advertisement No. and post code. The candidates may visit the nearest branch of State Bank of India for remittance of application fee to Receipt Account (35606641030), by using the personalized payment challan of State Bank of India on any day between 28.05.2016 and 18.06.2016. The candidate may download and print the personalized payment challan from the ISRO website on any day between 28.05.2016 and 17.06.2016 and remit the application fee to State Bank of India before 18.06.2016. Upon remittance of the application fee, one copy of the challan form will be retained by State Bank of India (Bank copy) and remaining two parts will be given to the candidates. Out of the two challan parts, the candidate has to send one part of the challn form (ISRO copy) to Sr. Administrative Officer (RMT), ISRO Satellite Centre, Old Airport Road, Vimanapura Post, Bengaluru -560 017 by Ordinary Post superscribing "RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF ____________________________ (Post Name) [_____________ (Post No.)]" on the envelope within 07 days of filling of application and in any case not later than 24.06.2016. Please note that the applications of male candidates (UR and OBC), in respect of whom Application Fee has not been received, will not be considered for further processing under any circumstances. The remaining one copy of challan form (Applicant copy) shall be retained by the candidate for future reference. The payment shall be made to State Bank of India through cash deposit only. Payment of Application Fee in any other forms like cheque, draft, money order, IPO, etc. are not allowed. Applications, in respect of which copy of challan form, after remittance of prescribed application fee (ISRO copy) is not received in ISRO Satellite Centre, Bengaluru on or before 24.06.2016 will not be considered for further processing under any circumstances.
All Women candidates and Scheduled Caste (SC); Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-Serviceman (Ex), Persons with Disabilities( PWD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application fee. However, after registration of application through on-line, the candidates have to down-load and print the personalized registration confirmation form, from the ISRO website which contains the Name of the Candidate, Registration Number, Advertisement No., and Post Code for future reference.
The candidates who are already employed under Central/State Govt/ PSU/Autonomous Bodies etc. have to send a 'No Objection Certificate' from the employer concerned, duly indicating their Registration Number and Post Code to the Sr. Administrative Officer (RMT), ISRO Satellite Centre, Old Airport Road, Vimanapura Post, Bengaluru -560 017, within 7 days of filing the applications through on-line by the candidates and in any case not later than 24.06.2016.
Note : All Women candidates and Scheduled Caste (SC); Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-Serviceman (Ex), Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates will not get 'Bank Challan copy'. Such candidates will only get a "Personalised Registration confirmation Form" which has to be retained by candidates for future reference.
Please note that the applications of male candidates (UR and OBC), in respect of whom Application Fee has not been received, will not be considered for further processing under any circumstances.
Selection Process : The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and possession of the same does not automatically make the candidates eligible to be called for Written test and Skill test. There will be an initial screening based on the academic performance and other parameters given in the on-line applications and only those screened-in will be called for Written test. Those who qualify in the written test will have to appear for Skill test.
The final selection will be done amongst qualified candidates, purely based on the scores obtained by them in the written test. From amongst candidates who qualify in the Skill test with minimum 60% marks, empanelment shall be done in the order of marks obtained in the written test. Skill test, wherever prescribed will be purely on 'go-no-go' basis and marks obtained in the skill test shall not be considered for selection. In case of a tie in written test scores, the academic scores of the notified qualification shall be the tie breaker.
Note: The written test will be conducted for the screened-in candidates in Bengaluru only.
How to Apply : Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website and send hard copies to given below address.
Address to sent Applications : Sr. Administrative Officer(ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore - 560094
Advertisement : Click Here
Challan : Click Here
Print Application Form : Click Here
Important Dates :
Starting Date of Online Application : 28-05-2016
Last Date to Apply Online : 17-06-2016
Last date of payment in bank: 18-06-2016
Last date of Submission application in Center: 24-06-2016
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