Aadhar Enabled Payments in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana during 2015-2016 : Practical Study.
Source : GDS Report'2016.
How a GDSBPM who is having 5th Scale , performs his additional duty by doing average of 21.36 transactions per day with Bio- metric devices.
Bio-metric devices were accessible with mobile network and Aadhar authentication.
If mobile network is good and Aadhaar server is busy , how much time it will take to do one transaction ?
If Aadhaar server is freely accessible but mobile network is poor , how much time it will take to do one transaction ?
Is it mandatory to work beyond 5 hours even the scheme is not covered under workload ?
Rule not permitted the GDS to work beyond 5 hours if it is not covered under the workload of GDS.
In the Rule 3A(i) of GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules ,2011 it is clearly mention the working hours
not mention the working hours only based on Directorate workload norms.
This time , it is mandatory to Directorate to decide the matter whether we have to perform our duties onlywith in 5 hours including IPPB & RICT or not ?
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