Monday, April 22, 2019


17-103/2007-GDS/117/12/2015Strengthening establishment of Single Handed Branch Post Offices - order date 17.12.2015

17-17/2010-GDS30/11/2015Scheme for engagement of a dependent of deceased GDS on compassionate grounds - clarification

17-39/2012-GDS16/09/2015Selection Process for engagement to all approved categories of GDS Posts - Review thereof

40-17-/2015-Plg24/08/2015Revision of method for calculation of Income and Cost of Branch Post Offices (BOs)

17-15/2015-GDS07/05/2015Revision of selection process for engagement to all approved categories of GDS - preference to Casual Labourers

2-53/2011-PCC22/01/2015Remuneration payable to Full Time Casual labour (Other than Temporary Status) / Part Time labour / Workers engaged on contingency basis

17-39/6/2012-GDS14/01/2015Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to GDS Posts

17-39/7/2012-GDS14/01/2015Revised Selection process for engagement to all approved categories of GDS Post

17-39/5/2012-GDS14/01/2015Review of merit points under Compassionate Engagement Scheme, under attribute 'own agricultural land and house '

17-39/4/2012-GDS14/01/2015Preference to casual labourers in the matter of engagement as Gramin Dak Sevaks - review thereof

17-39/3/2012-GDS14/01/2015Consideration of Married son as dependent famil member for the purpose of compassionate engagement to GDS Post

17-39/2/2012-GDS14/01/2015Review of Penalties specified in Rule 9 of GDS ( Conduct and Engagment) Rules, 2011

17-39/1/2012-GDS14/01/2015Review of approved categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks - Filling up of vacant posts of GDS Mailman

17-9/2013-GDS (Pt)29/12/2014Revision of rates of honorarium to Inquiry Officers (serving part time/ retired) and Presenting Officers

17-39/2012-GDS12/11/2014Review of Essential Qualifications / Selection criteria for engagement to the posts of Gramin Dak Sevak Branch Postmasters - 12.11.2014

26-04/2014-PAP19/09/2014Productivity Linked Bonus for the Accounting year 2013-2014

17-39/2012-GDS06/02/2014Review of Essential Qualifications / Selection criteria for engagement to posts of Gramin Dak Sevak Branch Postmasters

F.No.6-11/2009-PE.II [Part]21/01/2014Extension of additional option for enrollment of existing Gramin Dak Sewaks (GDS) under Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS) and permission to contribute towards the scheme to the GDS beneficiaries

6-11/2009-PE.II21/01/2014Extension of addidtional option for enrollment of existing Gramin Dak Sewaks ( GDS) under Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS) and permission to contribute towards the scheme to the GDS beneficiaries

F.No.6-11/2009-PE-II (Part)31/10/2013Giving of one more option to GDS for enrolment under the Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS), if not already enrolled and granting of permission to GDS to make contribution to the Service Discharge Benefit Scheme

F.No.6-11/2009-PE-II (Part)31/10/2013Giving of one more option to GDS for enrolment under the Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS), if not already enrolled, and granting of permission to GDS to make contribution to the Service Discharge Benefit Scheme

19-14/2010-GDS18/10/2013Maintenance of select panel while finalizing the selection of various categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks

17-17/2010-GDS09/10/2013Scheme for engagement of a dependent of deceased GDS on compassionate grounds - Merit points and procedure for selection - clarification regarding

19-31/2012-WL/Sport17/09/2013Circle Welfare Fund for Gramin Dak Sewaks - English Version

19-31/2012-WL/Sport17/09/2013Circle Welfare Fund for Gramin Dak Sewaks - Hindi Version

5-1/07-WS-I15/10/2012Protection of TRCA of GDS BPM

17-17/2010-GDS13/04/2012Scheme for engagement of GDS on compassionate grounds - Merit points and procedure for selection - Issue of Corrigendum

19-10/2004-GDS (part)19/03/2012Limited Transfer Facility to Gramin Dak Sevaks - Clarification thereof

17-17/2010-GDS09/03/2012Scheme for Engagement of GDS on Compassionate Grounds - Merit Points and Procedure for Selection - Revised Provisions thereof dated 09.03.2012

19-19/2009-GDS21/02/2012Consideration of compassionate engagement on GDs posts to dependents of Gramin Dak Sevaks discharged on Medical Grounds based on proof of invalidation prior to 14.12.2010

17-103/2007-GDS06/01/2012Filling up of vacant posts of Gramin Dak Sevaks

6-31/2010-PE II05/08/2011Admissibility of Servance Amount to Gramin Dak Sevaks on Retirement/Death and on absorption on Regular Posts - Clarification Regarding

17-17/2010-GDS01/08/2011Scheme for engagement of GDS on Compassionate Grounds - Merit Points and Procedure for Selection - Revised Provisions thereof

21-8/201010/06/2011The Department of Posts, Gramin Dak Sevaks ( Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011 - Hindi

21-8/2010-GDS18/04/2011The Department of Posts, Gramin Dak Sevaks ( Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011

6-11/2009-PE.II01/04/2011SDBS Notification

17-9/2011-GDS21/03/2011Maternity Grant to Women Gramin Dak Sevaks out of Welfare Fund of the Department - Insturctions

5-1/2007-WS-I (Pt)16/12/2010Revision of norms for assessment of workload of the Branch Postmasters

17-17/2010-GDS14/12/2010Scheme for Engagement of GDS on Compassionate Ground - Merti Points and Procedure for Selection

19-27/2010-GDS07/10/2010Modified instructions on Recruitment of Gramin Dak Sevaks through employment exchange - clarification of term 'Effective Number of Candidates'

6-11/2009-PE-II01/09/2010Introduction of a new Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS) for the Gramin Dak Sevaks working in the Department of Posts

19-10/2004-GDS(part)22/07/2010Limited transfer to Gramin Dak Sevaks

19-14/2010-GDS25/06/2010Maintenance of select panel while finalizing the selection of various categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks dated 25.06.2010

6-18/2010-PE-II07/05/2010Implementation of Recommendations of One-man Committee on Gramin Dak Sevaks - Revision of security to be furnished by the Gramin Dak Sevaks

Gazette of India26/04/2010GDS Group Insurance Scheme 2010 - Gazette Notification

6-1/2009-PE.II09/10/2009Implementation of Recommendations of Shri R.S Nataraja Murti Committee - Revision of Wages Structure of Gramin Dak Sevaks ( GDS)

1-20/2008-PCC27/03/2009Remuneration to be paid to the Gramin Dak Sevaks engaged as substitutes in short-term vacancies of Postmen/mail Guards and Group 'D'

14-16/2001/PAP (Pt)11/10/2004Fixation of Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) on reduction of work load dated 11.10.2004

17-136/2001-GDS24/04/2003Grant of Paid Leave to the Gramin Dak Sevaks

18-33/2002-GDS04/12/2002Condonation of breaks in employment of GDS caused due to put off duty preceding reinstatement in employment - Delegation of powers for sanction to Heads of Circles - regarding

19-11/97-ED&TRG27/11/1997Reservation of SC/ST/OBCs etc. in appointment to ED categories - issue of comprehensive instructions

21-8/92-ED&TRC22/04/1994Reservation of certain number of posts for Physically Handicapped persons for recruitment in ED Categories within the broad frame-work of provisions applicable to Departmental Group 'D' / 'C' Cadres

17-104/93-ED & TR06/12/1993Income and Property qualifications prescribed for appointment to various categories of Extra Departmental Agents - Review thereof.

17-366/91-ED & Trg12/03/1993Revision of educational qualifications prescribed for recruitment to various categories of ED agents

17-175/91-ED28/10/1991Question whether the wages can be paid to the ED employees who are prevented from attending their duties due to imposition of curfew, etc

Judgment dated 27.10.198727/10/1987Judgment dated 27.10.1987 case of Daily Rated Casual labour Employed under P & T Department Vs. Union of India & others

14-16/2001/PAP (Pt) Fixation of Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) on reduction of work load.

14-16/2001/PAP (Pt) Fixation of Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) on reduction of work load dated 11.10.2004

17-31/2016-GDS(Pt)28/09/2018Clarification regarding drawl of Composite allowance to GDS BPMs on implementation of recommendations of One Man Committee on wages and allowances of Gramin Dak Sevaks

17-31/2016-GDS27/06/2018Implementation of recommendations of One-man committee on Social Security Benefits for Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)

17-31/2016-GDS27/06/2018Introduction of Maternity Leave for the female Gramin Dak Sevaks (Female GDSs) in the Department of Posts

17-31/2016-GDS25/06/2018Implementation of recommendations of One-man committee on wages and allowances of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs)

Rectt/6-2/GDS/CRC/201709/04/2018List of GDSs selected on Compassionate ground for the year 2013 in Uttarakhand Postal Circle

7-9/2016-PCC12/07/2017Remuneration to be paid to the Gramin Dak Sevaks engaged as substitutes in short term vacancies of Postmen/Mail Guards and MTS

17-8/2017-GDS21/06/2017Reservation for persons with disability in engagement of GDS posts

13/01/2016-SR20/06/2017Verification of membership for recognition of service Associations representing Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) (earlier called as Extra Departmental Agents) under EDA (RA) Rules, 1995 - Procedure

17-1/2017-GDS30/05/2017Review of the scheme for engagement of a dependent of deceased Gramin Dak Sevaks on compassionate grounds

41-10/2015-PE-II29/12/2016Redeployment of posts from GDS Committee to PBI Division.

14-01/2011-PAP24/11/2016Payment of Dearness Allowance to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) at revised rates w.e.f. 01.07.2016 onwards

2-53/2011-PCC17/06/2016Instruction regarding Remuneration payable to Full Time Casual labour .....

13-1/2016-SR10/03/2016Regarding - Inviting application for EDA (RA) Rulings 1995 GDS (EDA) Representation for verification of membership for recognisation of unions

.04/02/2016Letter from Chairman GDS Committee to individual GDS employees (English)

.04/02/2016Letter from Chairman GDS Committee to individual GDS employees (Hindi)

17-17/2010-GDS/122/12/2015Scheme for engagement of a dependent of deceased casual labourer engaged on or before 01.09.1993 on compassionate grounds to Gramin Dak Sevak Post

17-13/2013-GDS21/12/2015Constitution of a GDS Committee - order dated 21.12.2015

17-17/2010-GDS17/12/2015Scheme for engagement of a dependent of deceased GDS on compassionate grounds - review of existing point based system of assessing indigence - order dated 17.12.2015

17-103/2007-GDS17/12/2015Review of existing provisions for filling up of vacant GDS posts [Other than GDS BPM] - order date 17.12.2015

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