Friday, August 26, 2016

விதிகளை அறிவோம்! விளக்கம் தெரிவோம்!!- NAGAI NFPE P3

Friday, 26 August 2016

விதிகளை அறிவோம்! விளக்கம் தெரிவோம்!!

 1.       No station tenure for non Gazetted
The station tenure for non Gazetted staff has been abolished and as far as possible on completion of tenure in a post, the non gazette staff may be transferred to some other post in the same station. (DG P&T No.69/49/71-SPB I DATED 02.12.1971)

2.       Transfer before academic session
Transfer orders should be issued in the month of April-June or following Dec-Jan period depending upon the academic session.
(DG (P) No.141-4/98-SPB-11 dated 23.03.1998)

3.       Four years tenure to all SPMs
The tenure transfer of non-gazetted Sub Postmasters (Time Scale) was raised from three years to four years. (DG P&T No.69/15/79-SPB-1 dated 14.02.1980)

4.       Posting of husband & wife in the same station
Complaints are sometime received even if posts are available in the station of posting of the spouse, the administrative reasons. In all such cases, the cadre controlling authority should strive to post the employee at the station of the spouse and in case of inability to do so, specific reasons, therefore may be communicated to the employee.
 (DOPT OM No.28034/9/2009-Estt (A) dated 30.09.2009)

5.       Posting of Women employees
It was inter-alia, advised to avoid posting women employees where there are not basic and essential amenities for women. It may be ensured that women employee is transferred to an office only after ensuring that basic and essential amenities for women are available there.
(DG (P) No.137-10/2011-SPB.II dated 18.01.2011)

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