Wednesday, February 3, 2016


தோழியரே ! தோழர்களே!
எதிர்வரும்  16-2-16  R JCM  meeting –ல் CPMG அவர்களிடம்  19  GDS  பிரச்சினைகள்  பேசப்பட உள்ளது. அதன் விபரங்கள் கீழே உள்ளது.
இவ்வளவு முயற்சி எடுத்து வரும் NFPE P3 தலைவர் தோழர் J.R அவர்கள், NFPE GDS  மாநில செயலாளர்,தோழர் தனராஜ் அவர்களுக்கும்   நாம் இந்த நேரத்தில் நன்றி சொல்ல வேண்டும்


No.RJCM/2                                                                                       dt. 03.02.2016
The Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai 600 002.

Respected Sir,

         Sub: Regional Council, JCM  meeting notified to be held on 16.2.2016 – Subjects thereof- Reg.

1.  Request to stop fixing of unrealistic norms to the indoor staff to procure RPLI policies, opening of S.B A/Cs, E-Posts, IMO etc . Request to stop harassment of GDS by fixing unrealistic target in procuring RPLI policies, securing S.B A/Cs. Threatening of officials , by frequently calling  them  at R.O. to seek explanations, for non adherence of targets , delivery performance, which is an unfair labour practice etc. especially in SR & WR, Now  under CR also.  

2.  Irregular fixation of TRCA to several BPMs in Kumbakonam Division, Second TRCA of 1600-40-2400 was fixed for them before implementation of Natarajamurthy Committee recommendations. Then it was reduced to the lower stage of Rs.2745-50-4245 after implementation of this Committee report, which is contrary to the Dte. Memo. No. 5-1/07-WS-I dt. 16.7.12. Though this issue was taken up by several times, this order was misconstrued and the case was negatively closed.

3.   Request  to supply umbrellas and chappals to all Postman and MTS / eligible        GDS officials, since the rainy season is fast approaching
4.  Request to fill-up all the GDS vacancies in RMS units. Before recruiting the  GDS from the open quota,  kindly consider the dovetailed list as per the court orders and fill up all the GDS vacant posts.

5.    Request to regularize all GDS staff   who are on provisional appointments, years together and   grant their due financial benefits including bonus.  This is pending in  several divisions  throughout TN Circle.

6.  Request to consider the plight casual workers engaged prior to 1.9.93 in the vacant GDS posts before resorting open notification with time frame, as per DG Posts order No. 17-39/4/2012-GDS dt.14.1.2015. Also, this has reference to OA No.520/2004 and SLP 21825/2006.

7.  Nonpayment of severance amount, gratuity  and EDGIS amounts to the GDS  officials,  those who have retired/promoted/died on or after the year 2013, since enormous cases are pending for long.

8.  Non- Grant of arrears to GDS substitutes for the period 1/1/2006 to  9/10/2009 despite Directorate Orders on the Plea of paucity of funds in the salary Head in several divisions eg. Salem East Division, Tirupur Dn, Erode Dn, Salem west dn, Krishnagiri Dn, Tiruvannamalai Division etc.

9.  Request to implement the revision of payment w.e.f. 1.4.2015 to the  Casual Labourer engaged in BPCs for various BD activities, since  the Dte. has already issued orders to make payment for the outsiders engged in BPCs on piece rate basis for the  work performed by them at not more than 50% of the rate prescribed, vide  No. BDD/Mailing/01/96 dt 13.5.1999 and BD/1-2/2002/Vol. III dt. 11.2.2009.

10.            Immediate administrative decision is requested for granting Natural Calamity Advance and Financial Assistance from Welfare fund to GDS employees, on Dec. 2015 Flood , since already two months time elapsed from the date of issuing the circular by the  CPMG, TN.

11.            Request for announcement of LDCE from LGOs to P.A. for the year 2015, since it is already delayed.

12.            Request for announcement of LDCE  for filling up of the post of Postman/MG for the year  2015 since it is already delayed. In many Circles passed candidates joined the posts.

13.            Request to review of assessment of vacancies in P.A. cadre in all the Divisions (Difference between sanctioned strength and working strength) as agreed upon in Discussions with the staff side by the Dept. in  F No.08-13/2015-SR dt. 23.11.2015 to include the residual, LR  vacancies etc. and to add the resultant promotional vacancies by 31.3.2016.

14.           Umbrella and chappels are not supplied  to outdoor GDS for the past 3 years. Hence it is requested that supply may be arranged at least for this year.

15.Many essential forms viz:  pay in slip, BO daily account, RPLI receipt book, carbon papers, sealing wax, etc are not supplied to the BOs  for years together. Hence it is requested that supply may be arranged immediately.

16. Due to drop in  work load GDS MD / GDS PKR working in a S.O. faces drop in allowances to the minimum. But the GDS MD / GDS PKRs are forced work for more than 5 hours. As the GDS is paid for only 3 hours work in various Divisions, these officials should be brought on duty only for three hours. Necessary guidelines should be issued to the  sub ordinate authorities to fix the working hours of the GDS in such cases.

17.   Request for clarifying, streamlining and ensuring uniform procedure in making contribution to the hapless GDS under the  SDBS. (Details in Annexure I
18.  Request to act in accordance with Dte. No.17-103/2007-GDS/1 dt. 17.12.2015 to relieve from combined duty for BPMs with a view to ensure uninterrupted counter service to the public in the changed scenario.
19.  Request to Grant Group Insurance  amt. and severance amount to the promoted officials early. The delay caused in granting group insurance and severance amount to the GDS officials who have been promoted as MTS, may be analyzed and action may be taken for early payment.

With regards,

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